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Privacy Policy
Acceptance of the legal noticeThis legal notice regulates the use of the migration services platform Migrate to Uruguay and the website (hereinafter the website) The entry and use of this website implies knowing and unreservedly accepting all the provisions herein written at the time of access by the user. The use of certain services on this website may be subject to special conditions that may modify or replace the terms and conditions set forth in this legal notice. The company Migrar a Uruguay, corporate name Federico Matías Carnikián Brignoni, Tax Registration Number 216286230010, is located in Montevideo, Uruguay. Both for these conditions and whenever the following words are used, the term “Platform” or “website” will correspond to Migrate to Uruguay or< /span> interchangeably, the expression "user" to the person who enters the website, the term "client" to the one who hires any of the services offered by Migrate to Uruguay or any other made any kind of reservation on the website calendar.
UpdateMigrating to Uruguay reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained at any time and without prior notice.All modifications and updates made will be made through and on the Website and users must consult the published terms and conditions. The continuation in the use of the website of the platform will be taken as acceptance of the terms and conditions as well as the modifications to them. In cases where there are formal, typographical or numerical errors caused by defects in the updates or maintenance tasks carried out, Migrate to Uruguay clarifies that these do not mean advertising in any way misleading, committing to correct it as soon as effective knowledge of them is available.
Use of the websiteFor some of the services offered on the Platform, the user or client must provide their email address and personal password. Said data must be kept safe and under no circumstances communicate them to any person, the user or client being solely responsible for their illegitimate use or by an unauthorized person or person other than the user or client.
Object of the serviceMigrar a Uruguay is an immigration services company that specializes in assisting foreign or Uruguayan citizens seeking to initiate or resolve an immigration matter in Uruguay. Additionally, and through a network of local and international providers, it assists the client in all aspects related to relocation services, such as: search for properties for rent or sale, personal insurance management, lease guarantees, among others. The service provided by the platform is aimed at natural persons of legal age, capable and domiciled in any country, as well as legally capable legal persons domiciled in any country. All the information contained on the website is for informational purposes and does not constitute in any way a recommendation, advice, advice, offer, invitation to offer, or any other operation.
Online reservation system for inquiriesUsers will have an online reservation system available through the website. Online reservations can be aimed at receiving free advice or a paid specialized immigration consultancy that will have a specific cost that will be published on the website. The free counseling session will have a maximum duration of 30 minutes and the user must request the reservation during the hours that are available for said purposes. The free counseling session is intended for individuals of any nationality and its purpose is to guide and answer general immigration queries, by way of example: conditions for entry into the country, types of residence and its characteristics, and regulatory aspects of immigration. Its use is governed by criteria of proportionality and reasonableness, therefore Migrate to Uruguay reserves the right to cancel or not accept the online reservation in cases of abusive and/or bad faith use of free advice. If the client needs to cancel or reschedule the counseling session, they should contact by email at at least 24 hours in advance. If the client cancels the session less than 24 hours in advance or does not attend it, the total cost corresponding to the amount of an immigration consultancy will be charged. If the session is rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance, the same at a future date at no additional cost. For its part, the paid immigration consultancy session is intended for individuals or companies of any nationality, and its purpose is to provide customized personalized advice on the immigration status of the client. It can deal with what is the appropriate type of residence, resolve a specific issue with the documentation, among others. The immigration consulting session will have a maximum duration of 60 minutes and the client must request the reservation during the times that are available for said purposes. Payment for the immigration consulting session may be made by any of the means of payment available in the online reservation system of the website and in advance of the session. The fee for immigration consultation does not include amounts for bank commissions, retentions, or other costs associated with the payment. In the event that the client hires our legal or fiscal residence services, the cost paid for immigration consulting will be deducted from the fee for the contracted service. If the client needs to cancel or reschedule the consulting session, they should contact by email at at least 24 hours in advance. If the client cancels the session less than 24 hours in advance or does not attend it, the amount paid for the session will not be refunded. If the session is rescheduled at least 24 hours in advance, it can be held at a future date at no additional cost.
Electronic addressThe email used by customers will be considered valid as the established electronic address for all communications and notifications. It is the client's obligation to notify Migrate to Uruguay of any change in the established electronic address, under penalty of having it well notified at the duly provided electronic address.
Veracity of the informationAll information provided or provided by the user or client must be truthful and authentic, guaranteeing that the information is updated and corresponds at all times to the real situation of the user or client, being the latter solely responsible for the statements or inaccurate or false data provided and for any damages that may be caused to the platform, other users or third parties.
Proper use of the websiteThe user agrees to use the Website appropriately, refraining from any type of illicit, illegal or illegitimate activities that violate or contravene the rights of Migrate to Uruguay or third parties, or also damage, disable, affect, or impair the service, or prevent its normal execution. It is prohibited without limitation: Perform any action or omission that means the violation of the rights of Migrate to Uruguay and of < u> and/or third parties, referring to: intellectual and industrial property, trademarks, right to image, privacy or any other right regulated or recognized in Uruguayan regulations; Use the information contained in the Website for different purposes not authorized by the owner; Introduce any type of computer virus, defective files or any other type of software or computer program that may cause damage or unauthorized alteration of the contents or systems accessible through this Website Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or communicate publicly in any way, transform or modify the contents in any form or medium, unless authorized of the rights holder. Users who consider that activities of any kind are being carried out that mean an illegal, illicit or illegitimate use of this Website or the pages included in it, They will be able to communicate with the contact email, identifying themselves in advance and detailing the characteristics of the event as precisely as possible.
Intellectual propertyBrands, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind, designs, intellectual property rights, whether for transformation, reproduction, public communication or distribution of this Website and its elements are owned by Migrate to Uruguay. Included in said ownership are the design, source code, structure, databases and other elements of the website. The use of the Website or its services by users does not confer any right or license on trademarks, trade names, distinctive signs, content, texts, designs, structure, database, source codes and other elements of the Website.
LiabilityThe user will be solely responsible for the improper use of the Website and the infractions and damages that may be caused to Migrar a Uruguay or to third parties. Migrating to Uruguay is not responsible for: Interruptions, interferences, lack of availability, continuity or alterations of this website and its services, and defects in access to the different web pages of this site or from which the services are provided; Malfunctioning, blockages, breakdowns or overloads in the Internet access system or other electronic systems, due to causes beyond Migrar a Uruguay or oops; Computer viruses, browser malfunctions, security flaws or damage to the user's hardware or software, or to the files contained in their computer systems; Wrong content provided or entered by third parties and any use of information without consent; The contents, products or services that can be viewed or accessed through electronic links (links), directly or indirectly through this Website; Cookies that third parties may install on the user's hard drive, browser or server.
Personal data protectionThe personal data provided by users will be treated in accordance with Law No. 18,331 of August 11, 2008, on Personal Data Protection and Habeas Data Action. For these purposes, the personal data collected by the website will be incorporated into a database, being able to exercise the rights of access, rectification and deletion at the email address The personal data provided by users or their representatives may be used for different purposes such as sending advertising or information about services, communication to relocation service providers , as well as for everything related to the development and fulfillment of the services offered by Migrate to Uruguay, all of which arises from the platform's privacy policy. For the purpose of making inquiries, users may send an email to
Applicable legislation and competent jurisdictionUruguayan regulations will apply to the Website and to the services provided by Migrar a Uruguay by itself or through third parties. The Courts of the city of Montevideo will be competent to understand all effects and controversies of any nature and kind that may arise. The user declares that he has read and understood each and every one of the clauses indicated here.
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